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Drosera x Californica 'CALIFORNIA SUNSET'
Drosera x californica 'California Sunset'. A hybrid of Drosera Filiformis var. Filiformis x Tracyi. A very vigorous and robust sundew, with very sticky tentacles. In the winter it goes into a dormant state - hibernaculum. Produces large pink flowers.
Sarracenia Flava var. Ornata Lidless
Sarracenia Flava var. Ornata Lidless (heliamphorides) P.W.
For shipping details read here : Sarracenia Growlist
Pinguicula AGNATA (Zimapan, Hidalgo)
Pinguicula AGNATA (Zimapan, Hidalgo). Produces a lot of sticky droplets. Will be send bare root very well protected.
Drosera FILIFORMIS var. Floridiana
Drosera FILIFORMIS var. Floridiana ("Florida all red"). The more stronger form of Filiformis, it becomes a nice red color. A more powerful plant than the red Filiformis form. In the winter it goes into a dormant state - hibernaculum. Delivery with bareroot or pot - depend from country and delivery.