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Dionaea Muscipula B52 - gigantic form
Dionaea Muscipula B52, gigantic clone of dionaea - one of the biggest on the world. It is still very rare in cultivations. Plant will be sending bare root with some sphagnum.
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MK H112 Sarracenia x ‘Leah Wilkerson’
MK H112 Kapturnica Sarracenia x ‘Leah Wilkerson’ (S x moorei), Walton Co, FL.,W, (Brooks Garcia 2004). For shipping details read here : Sarracenia Growlist
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MK L18 Sarracenia Leucophylla Large Pink Lipped
MK L18 Sarracenia Leucophylla Large Pink Lipped, Apalachicola National Forest,W,(PW). For shipping details read here : Sarracenia Growlist
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Pinguicula CYCLOSECTA - nice plant
Pinguicula CYCLOSECTA one beautiful plant, nice species, in winter smaller due forming winter rosette. Will be send bare root very well protected.
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Sarracenia 'DRACULA' - PURPUREA Hybride
Sarracenia 'DRACULA' - PURPUREA Hybride - this is the sarracenia purpurea hybrid. In full sun they are nicely colored. Sending bare root, very nice hardy plant.
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20 seeds - harvested from various form of sarracenia HYBRIDS – if You will have a luck You will grow some unique form.
Availability: good qty.
Drosera x Californica 'CALIFORNIA SUNSET'
Drosera x californica 'California Sunset'. A hybrid of Drosera Filiformis var. Filiformis x Tracyi. A very vigorous and robust sundew, with very sticky tentacles. In the winter it goes into a dormant state - hibernaculum. Produces large pink flowers.
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Dionaea KOREAN MELODY SHARK - 10 seeds
10 seeds - of VFT Dionaea KOREAN MELODY SHARK x (open pollinated). Plants from these seeds can not be called as a clone original, but may constitute an interesting new variety.
Availability: average qty.
Dionaea Muscipula 'Clayton's Red Sunset'
Dionaea Muscipula 'Clayton's Red Sunset'. Plant will be sending bare root with some sphagnum.
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Dionaea Muscipula ADENTATE - ADENTATA
Dionaea Muscipula ADENTATE - ADENTATA. Plant will be sending bare root with some sphagnum.
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Dionaea Muscipula AKAI RYU - RED DRAGON - rare
Dionaea Muscipula AKAI RYU - RED DRAGON.In the summer time this Venus Fly Trap have very nice red colored long leafs. Plant will be sending bare root with some sphagnum.
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Dionaea Muscipula GOLDSTRIKE
Dionaea Muscipula GOLDSTRIKE. Plant will be sending bare root with some sphagnum.
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